Structure of the wine industry
The South African wine industry was founded on 2 February 1659 when Jan van Riebeeck made the first wine from grapes grown on local soil.
Today this industry is steered by two organisations:
- Vinpro represents about 2 500 primary winegrowers, producer and private cellars, and estates. Besides focusing on member-specific services, information transfer, training and development, it also liaises with government regarding various regulatory issues. (Visit website)
- Salba (South African Liquor Brand owners Association) is a non-profit organisation representing larger manufacturers and wholesale distributors of liquor products including wine, brandy and RTDs. (Visit website)
The wine and brandy industry are structured to conduct its operational or business services to the industry via a number of designated operating units. These units are:
- SA Wine Industry Information and Systems NPC (SAWIS) collects, processes and disseminates industry information and statistics. It is also responsible for the administration of the industry’s Wine of Origin system. (Visit website)
- Wine Industry Network of Expertise and Technology NPC (WINETECH) operates as a network of participating institutions and individuals that have as objective to improve the competitive position of the South African wine industry through co-operative and participative Research, Development and Innovation as well as People Development initiatives that spans across the entire value chain. (Visit website)
- WOSA Export Marketing NPC (WOSA) is responsible for export promotions of South African wine in key international markets. (Visit website)
- SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit NPC (SAWITU) oversees the implementation of the statutory levies portion that is earmarked for transformation. They generate and promote equitable access and participation within the wine value chain in and for the wine industry. (Visit website)
- The South African Brandy Foundation (SABF) represents the primary producers, co-operatives, distillers and marketers of South African brandy. (Visit website)
- The Wine and Agricultural Ethical Trading Association (WIETA) drives a pro-active world-class and sustainable ethical trade programme for the South African wine industry and aligned sectors. (Visit website)
Each unit operates as a separate cost centre and legal entity within its own governance and audit systems.